On May 3, 2008, five Niles Elite teams competed at the Young Champions Western regional competition in Grand Rapids, MI. Team after team hit the mat with enthusiasm, absolutely NAILING difficult routines and receiving accolades from judges and competitors alike. What more could we ask for?


Our NE Twinkles were the first team to hit the floor. If it wasn't easy being GREEN, they sure didn't show it! they hit an unbelievably difficult and exciting routine. Its a good thing that green and BLUE go so well together, because our littlest team brought home the blue ribbon.


NE Starlights proved they weren't "dropping out" of anything! Not only did they look ADORABLE, they did a wonderful routine that was the talk of the competition. They matched the achievements of our Twinkles, also earning first place in their division of over 20 teams!


Shining Stars were the next team to perform. They "killed" the routine and brought such energy to the floor it was amazing! They brought home a third place finish in a very tough division.


Shooting stars took the floor next. They showed amazing composure on the floor, and no one could even tell when they made a slight mistake. Now that's teamwork! Great job this season, guys, you've come a LONG way.

To finish up an already GREAT day, NE Red took the floor. With their hearts focused on July, they used this competition to try out some new stunts, new fliers, and an amazing new pyramid. By the end of the routine the coaching staff was in tears and the kids had set a clear path to St. Louis this summer. It was the first of many "routine hits of a lifetime". Way to go Red!


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